Natural Ways To Slow Down Aging Of Your Body
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When it comes to aging, wrinkles and sagging skin, we tend to think about smearing our skin with the latest beauty product to reduce lines and imperfections. There is a possibility that we also spend money on expensive surgeries and treatments to take away the years of the face. You can take years off your skin naturally and without a considerable price tag.
Here are 5 ways to slow down the aging process naturally.
1. Ditch The Sugar
We are very aware of the harmful effect that sugar can have on our health and on increasing our blood sugar levels, but it can also dramatically age our skin and steal our youth. The excess of sugar, mainly glucose and fructose, is combined with collagen and elastin, two proteins that protect the skin and dehydrate them. This process is called advanced glycation. Due to glycation, your skin loses its elasticity and begins to look dull and less vibrant.2.Drink More Water
Chronic dehydration is a common culprit of skin aging. From lubricating our joints to helping eliminate toxins from our bodies, water is important for many reasons. The water helps to restore elasticity to the skin and hydrates us at the cellular level, which helps fill our skin and add a more youthful glow.3.Load Up On Antioxidants
We are exposed to numerous toxins and chemicals on a daily basis, all of which creates free radical damage in our cells. Our own metabolic process can create free radical damage too.Add to this a bad diet, stress, inactivity and inflammation, and you have a cascade of free radicals wear around your body, leaching vital minerals-and causing premature aging.
To combat the damage of free radicals, we need antioxidants, such as vitamins A, C, E and beta-carotene. These work to combat free radical damage, repair cells and prevent the cascade of free radicals from affecting more cells and creating more damage.
4.Eat More Protein
The protein helps lower insulin levels, which you want to keep in balance to avoid experiencing high and low blood sugar, gain weight and increase your risk of disease.Eating protein helps promote stable levels of sugar in the blood, which reduces stress in your body and keeps cortisol levels under control.
The protein is also essential to help repair the tissue, as well as to build new tissue. In fact, collagen, which is one of the most valuable proteins in our body, helps strengthen our skin, hair and nails.
5.Get More Sleep
We all know the feeling of not sleeping well at night. Of course, fatigue will be established, but what is worse is the hormonal cascade and the imbalance that results from less sleep.Only one hour less sleep per night can increase cortisol levels tenfold, which can cause oxidative stress and unbalanced blood sugar levels, all of which will rob your youthful glow. Sleeping less will result in fewer repairs and will also affect our body's ability to produce human growth hormone, which is the king of all anti-aging hormones.
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