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How To make Your Teeth White At Home In Just A Few Days

How To make Your Teeth White At Home In Just A Few Days
How To make Your Teeth White At Home In Just A Few Days
A bright and healthy smile can increase your self-confidence. In addition, keeping your mouth clean helps prevent various infections and diseases. Some of the most important steps in your oral hygiene routine are brushing and flossing, while certain home remedies also help to improve your smile. Here are some ways to whiten your teeth naturally.

1.Baking-Soda and Lemon

This can be one of the most popular home remedies for whitening natural teeth. The chemical reaction of sodium bicarbonate with lemon juice citrus has a smile-like effect. Any of these ingredients works well, but together they are super effective. Only brush with this solution up to once a week, as it can wear out the tooth enamel if it is used too often. If irritation occurs, the baking soda may be too abrasive for the gums, so stop using it. If you are concerned about damaging your tooth enamel, try some of the other solutions.

                                                To buy baking soda from amazon click here:

2.Give hydrogen-peroxide a try.

Many mouth rinses and commercial toothpastes have a 1.5% concentration of hydrogen peroxide, a powerful bleaching agent with a chemical composition that is incredibly close to water. This can help whiten your teeth. Hydrogen peroxide also helps eliminate bacteria, removes waste and is especially useful in preventing gingivitis. Mix a 50/50 solution of food-grade oxygenated water and water, and shake it for 60 seconds.

  To buy hydrogen peroxide from amazon click here:

3.Try oil pulling.

Oil extraction is an Ayurvedic remedy in which oil is rinsed in the mouth to remove germs and harmful bacteria from the mouth. Vegetable oil contains lipids that absorb toxins and eliminate them from the saliva, in addition to preventing the bacteria that produce decay from adhering to the walls of the teeth.

4.Use a strawberry paste

Malic acid in strawberries is a natural emulsifier that helps remove stains and plaque from the surface. To make your own whitening paste, simply mix two or three strawberries in a cup and add ½ teaspoon of baking soda. Clean your teeth with this paste a few times a week.

5.Floss your teeth regularly.  

Flossing at least once a day helps remove the plaque from the areas between the teeth where your toothbrush can not reach, since the plaque that does not get rid hardens into tartar and can cause a disease. the gums. Keep in mind that flossing can cause some discomfort at first, but it should not be painful either. If you floss too hard, you can damage the tissue between your teeth. With daily flossing and brushing, the discomfort should subside in one or two weeks.

6.Try apple-cider vinegar to remove surface stains.

Apple cider vinegar is a multi-use household product that also has natural properties to whiten teeth. Although the results may not be instantaneous, using apple cider vinegar along with baking soda can help remove surface spots and whiten teeth.

7.Chew a piece of gum. 

Studies show that chewing sugar-free gum containing xylitol for 20 minutes a day after meals can help prevent tooth decay. Chewing gum increases the production of saliva, which in turn eliminates the remains of food, neutralizes the acids produced by bacteria, strengthens the tooth enamel and provides substances that fight diseases throughout the mouth.


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