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Top 3 beauty Tips To look like a Movie Star

We are deeply influenced by our favorite movie stars and often have the desire to look sizzling just like we admire celebs. Looking beautiful is deeply associated with proper caring and nourishment. To be beautiful you must put in extra effort because nothing in life can be attained by making idle wishes. So here are some tips from the Hollywood stars which you can incorporate in your own beauty routine to achieve the best results.

Top 3 beauty Tips To look like a Movie Star

1.Cleaning and Moisturizing the skin:

Cleaning and Moisturizing the skin

Halle Berry, the Academy award-winning actress is truly a superwoman. Even at the age of 51 years, she looks stunning and unbelievably young. She became pregnant for the second time that too at the age of 44 years which indicates a great deal about her physical fitness as well!
Berry follows the most simplistic beauty routine. She makes sure to clean her skin and moisturize it twice a day. She is also very strict about cleaning her makeup at the end of her hectic day. When she is not in the set she avoids using makeup to let her skin breathe and relax. She uses DDF organic sunscreen to protect her skin from ultraviolet damage.
Cleaning is the most important part of a good skincare routine because it removes pollutant or toxic chemicals that prevent skin from regenerating. Moisturizing the skin is important to prevent fine lines and wrinkles.

2Eat Healthy and Work out regularly:

Eat Healthy and Work out regularly

Reese Witherspoon is an actress, producer, and entrepreneur. Even at the age of 42 years, she has glowing skin. Fortunately, Reese too has a simple beauty routine. She eats healthy and works out regularly. She applies hydrating moisturizer before applying makeup so that her skin stays hydrated. In an interview with Style.com, her makeup artist told that she favors a Channel Hydramax Active moisture cream every day which costs only $65! She is a high profile celebrity but keeps low maintenance when it comes to her looks or makes up.
Regular exercise and workouts play an important role in enhancing your beauty. During exercise, the heart pumps a healthy dose of oxygenated blood to your skin. You will always notice a great post-workout glow after completing your work out sessions.
Eating healthy is also important. Let’s not forget the proverb “You are what you eat.” Foods rich in skin-strengthening Omega-3 fatty acids, Collagen-boosting vitamin C and antioxidant-rich foods containing vitamins A and E give a naturally glowing skin from the underneath.

3. SK II Beauty Products:

SK II Beauty Products

Cate Blanchette, the Australian actress and theatre director has perfect skin even at the age of 49 years. Her beauty routine is simple. Blanchette uses a range of SK-II cosmetic products like Whitening Source Derm-Revival Mask and Facial Treatment Essence.
Unfortunately, these products are not cheap. If you have the financial capability to afford such expensive product then it’s worth trying. The SK II Facial treatment essence is formulated with ingredients that will give your skin a healthy dose of vitamins, amino acids, minerals, and organic acids. It will refine your texture, increase firmness and enhance the overall radiance of your skin.
Whitening Source Derm-Revival Mask will give your skin its required boost. It is essential to use a hydrating mask twice every week. Facial mask helps to nourish the skin and gives you intense hydration which will help to prevent wrinkles in the future.
Luckily, SK II beauty products are available in Pakistan and you can buy them from ShoppingBag.PK, an online store selling international beauty products in the country. If you are staying outside of Pakistan you can buy SK II products from Cosmostore online. They have global shipping facilities so you can order it from anywhere in the world.
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