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Top 7 quick homemade remedies for long and healthy hair

In this article we will discuss the top 7 homemade remedies for long and healthy hair.

The world is getting busier by the day and stress is ever increasing. This maddening lifestyle leaves a lot of repercussions on one’s health and appearance (Sad but true!).

We are so sure that each one of us must have heard our elders mouth this to us ever so often, “Itna stress logey toh baal gir jaayengey!” literally translating to (Bro, just take care of your hair or else you’ll definitely go bald). Well, while hair fall is a major issue and one that aches our heart the most, others are left wanting for more luscious and long hair.

Yes! Let's be honest and accept the fact that we are all fans of girls and we envy girls who have super long and healthy hair. Our femme clan looks amazingly beautiful when they swing their locks and take those perfect photos worthy of Instagram. Well, for all our beautiful ladies who want long hair and have no idea how to get them, we are here to rescue them. Here are some ways you can accelerate the growth of your hair and make it look more beautiful.

#1. Start off with strengthening your scalp

Image : Shutterstock


This step is extremely important. While we understand that everyone is very busy in their daily lives, but experts suggest that one should massage their scalp at least 5 minutes a day. This only helps strengthen the scalp, so it is a blessing for better hair growth.

#2. Oil your hair at least once a week

Image: shutterstock


We fully understand that washing oily hair several times in a week is an important task. However, you should always oil your hair once a week and leave it overnight. Just before taking a bath, you can wrap a warm towel in your hair and wash your hair with a mild shampoo.


#3. Choose the right shampoo

Image : shutterstock

 Most of us take this aspect lightly. You should always choose a mild shampoo that suits your hair type and prevent natural oils from tearing.

#4. Always condition your hair

Image : shutterstock

The conditioner is a step you should take when you are washing your hair. Helps retain moisture, provides protection and prevents dirt, pollution and drying.

#5. Use Vitamin E in your hair care regime

Image : shutterstock


This can simply do wonders for your hair. Mix with a little coconut oil and apply it evenly throughout the hair. Continue with the practice, as it will help the hair to be healthy.

#6. Use easy homemade shampoo and conditioner

Image: Shutterstock


If you have trouble choosing a mild shampoo and conditioner, do not worry, we have your support. For your conditioner, take 1 tablespoon of baking soda and 1 cup of water. Mix them well together and apply it on your hair. Hold it for a minute or two and rinse it with water. For your conditioner just take 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and mix with 1 cup of water, mix and apply to the length of your hair. Make sure you do not apply it to your scalp. Massage your hair and keep the conditioner for 5 minutes and rinse with water.

#7. Egg is a blessing for your hair

Image: shutterstock


We have all been fed this easy home remedy since we were little. Take an egg, your preferred hair oil and conditioner. Mix all the ingredients, apply it evenly on your hair and let it sit for an hour. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo and let it dry naturally.

These remedies will definitely help in the growth of your hair. Not only will they be long but also healthy and bright. If you have more resources we can use, comment below and let us know.

Related tags: 
  • #remedy
  • #homemade #remedy
  • #homemade #remedies
  • #health hair
  • #long hair



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